Introduction to XML Programming – 3-Day – XML101
In this three-day course students will learn how to create well-formed XML documents. In addition, they will learn about the most important supplementary technologies that support XML, including DTDs and XML Schema for validation as well as XSLT for transformation.
Introduction to XML Training Schedule
Introduction to XML – 3 Days – XML101 Request a Class Date
In this three-day course students will learn how to create well-formed XML documents. In addition, they will learn about the most important supplementary technologies that support XML, including DTDs and XML Schema for validation as well as XSLT for transformation.
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Course ID: XML101 Duration: 3 days
Audience: Application developers, web developers and administrators, and XML authors.
Prerequisites: HTML. Familiarity with web and data processing concepts. Programming experience is helpful, but not necessary.
Curriculum Topics for Introduction to XML Programming
- Data and Document Structure
- Well-Formed XML
- Valid vs. Well-Formed XML
- Enforcing Valid Documents: DTDs
- Enforcing Valid Documents: XML Schema
- Presentation Style
- XSL and XSLT
- Using XML
Writing Well-Formed XML
- XML Fundamentals
- Tag Attributes
- Naming Rules
- Empty and Non-Empty Elements
- Nesting and Hierarchy of Tags
- Processing Instructions and the XML Declaration
- Other XML Constructs
- Entity and Character References
- Why Namespaces?
- Namespace Prefixes and Declaration
- Multiple Namespace Declarations
- Declaring Namespaces in the Root Element
- Default Namespaces
Validating XML with DTDs
- Element Conditions and Quantifiers
- Attributes
- Attribute Types
- Parsed General Entities
- Parsed Parameterized Entities
- DTDs and Namespaces
Validating XML with XML Schemas
- Schema Overview
- A Minimal Schema
- Associating XML With a Schema
- Simple and Built-in Types
- Complex Types
- Element Declarations
- Attribute Declarations
- Choices
- Named Type and Anonymous Types
Using XML Schema with Namespaces
- Qualified and Unqualified XML
- Associating Qualified XML with a Schema
- Associating a Schema with a Namespace
- Controlling Element and Attribute Qualification
- Merging Schema with the Same Namespace
- Merging Schema with Different Namespaces
- Stylesheet, Source, and Result
- XSLT Processors
- Processor Implementations
- XPath Basics
- xsl:stylesheet
- xsl:template
- xsl:value-of
- xsl:apply-templates
- xsl:output
XPath Nodetypes
- XPath Expressions
- XPath Context
- XPath Location Steps
- Element and Root Nodes
- Text and Attribute Nodes
- Comment and Processing Instruction Nodes
- Namespace Nodes
- Wildcards
- Whitespace
- Default Template Rules
XPath Axes and Predicates
- Location Paths and Location Steps
- Peer Axis Types
- More Peer Axis Types
- Descendant Axis Types
- Ancestor Axis Types
- Node Tests
- Predicates
- Functions
XSLT Flow Control
- Intro
- xsl:if
- xsl:choose
- xsl:for-each
- xsl:sort
- Named Templates
- Mode
XML in Applications
- Reasons and Places for Using XML
- DOM Parsers
- SAX Parsers
- Web Services
Appendix A – Effective Document Design
- Design Goals
- Intended Audience
- Document Types
- Choosing a Validation Method
- Incorporating Namespaces
- Modular Document Design
- Planning for Extensibility